Kohanek Genealogy

Descendents of Frank Kohanek

Recently discovered Kohanek family trees. Still searching for links to the Frank Kohanek family tree.

Kohaneks that are loose ends. No idea who they are. See Table.

Ancillary family trees: Brinster (Kathryn Brinster Kohanek)

Can you help solve a mystery?

Do you know anything about these photos?

Kohaneks of Hungary and Poland

Links to Figuring Out Family Relationships by Large Chart or by Small Chart




Please email Vicki with comments, additions, and changes.

5 thoughts on “Kohanek Genealogy

  1. I was wondering what happened to the tree of Maria Kohanek. I fit into that history. Thanks for all you’re doing.

  2. Hi, I was looking for information on a Mary Ann Kohanek Woods; she was born in Hallettsville, Texas. Would anyone in your family know of her? Thank you!

  3. My gros papa was named Adolph Kohanek he was born in Russia as an ethnic German in 1884, as a young man he immigrated to Canada then the US. Just seeing if there is any family connection.

  4. Hi Tom,
    I have done research on the Kohanek family tree which your Adolph belongs to, but I have not been able to find a link to our family tree (which goes back to Anthony Kohanek who immig. from Poland to Minnesota in 1879). If you can send your family tree to me, I will send you what I have on the Adolph Kohanek line. Maybe we can find a connection. Thank you. Vicki Kohanek vicki.kohanek@gmail.com

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